Sustainable living: Bang for the buck

Sustainable living is a lifestyle choice you make to tackle the dangerous consumerism mindset in you. Let me help you understand how small changes can add up to big savings, for your pockets as well as for the environment. Yes, it might feel like the little things you do for the environment are just a drop in the vast ocean of unawareness, but keep in mind that your action inspires others.

We are all trapped in the vicious circle of life, spending most of our time working, nose to the grind with no energy left to think about our way of living and our contributions to the environment. We hear people around us say over and over again that living sustainably isn’t attainable for them due to financial concerns. But what if I tell you that sustainable living is actually about turning back the clock to the olden days before the heavy dependence on plastics and single-use disposables were present. You can start your journey towards a greener living by practising responsible consumption and civic-mindedness.

Here are a few ways you can let Mother Earth know that YOU CARE:

  • Ditch the plastic bags on your next run to the grocery store. Instead, opt for reusable cloth bags. They are much cuter options and hey, you can even customise them and add your art to them!

  • Bring your paper containers or tumblers when you visit the bakery. Most shops encourage customers to bring their servers these days.
  • Make the quick switch to wooden cutlery that are reusable. Bid adieu to that single-use plastic cutlery that is crowding up your kitchen space.

  • When shopping for clothing items, invest in some good quality long-lasting clothing. Slow, sustainable and ethically made fashion trumps your easy, cheap fast fashion any day. 
  • Try thrifting! I love finding a good thrift piece. It’s a great date idea with a friend or a significant other to go shopping at thrift stores and finding great deals for previously loved clothing. 
  • Go paperless. Switch to digital letters, notices and invitations. Paper invitations are so useless in my opinion, as the only purpose it serves is to let the receiver know a date and time. Do this digitally instead!
  • If you have kids in your household, invest in wooden toys and educational games. They are more durable, child safe and most importantly environmental-friendly than classic plastic products.
  • Bamboo straws are a great alternative to plastic straws and a more durable and reusable than paper straws.

Alternatives to Plastics
How to go zero waste in your daily life, in your kitchen, bathroom etc

  • One of the most talked-about methods is to buy produce in bulk. Grab a glass mason jar and shop from the bulk section of the grocery store. This helps to avoid unnecessary food packaging as well as save some money!

Here are my 20 cents. if you put yourself in an earth-conscious mindset, how much you earn doesn't matter. You will find a way to balance an eco-friendly lifestyle while being economically responsible. Find a unique plan for yourself and make it a routine. Voila! And before you know it, we have created yet another friend of Mother Earth.