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eco-friendly living

  1. Top Upcycled wonders from coconut

    Place your crafting tranquility on your desk

    Ever wondered for a touch of tropical paradise in your home decor? Look no further than the humble coconut! Crafting a coconut candle holder is a creative and entertaining project if you want to give your home decor a hint of the tropical flair. It is not only aesthetically appealing but also a work of organic art. Upciclo has designed a lovely coconut candle holder that oozes comfort and coziness by upcycling this natural marvel. Candles have been cherished for centuries for their capacity to produce a warm, peaceful, and romantic atmosphere. What if, however, we informed you that a modest coconut may take this experience to totally novel levels? Knowledge yourself with the significance and value of coconut candle holders in this blog article in terms of enriching your home's design, fostering a calm environment, and forging a connection

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  2. Go Green Go Clean - A Zero Waste Guide

    Go Green Go Clean - A Zero Waste Guide

    Going Green has always been the talk of the hour for quite a few years, but ARE WE ACTUALLY READY TO LEAVE THE THINGS WE LOVE THE MOST BEHIND AND HAVE A ZERO-WASTE LIVING?

    Don't Panic.

    Yes, obviously you can, but only slowly and steadily.

    Zero-waste living is never an overnight changeover, it is a process. It is a way of lifestyle.

    Green lifestyle is the talk of the town,

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  3. Here's how you can get started on your Sustainable Journey right at home.

    Here's how you can get started on your Sustainable Journey right at home.

    Before all else, pat yourself on the back for the initiative. It all begins with the thought, but it is more than just a thought; it is a way of living. Home is the best place to start with; after all, Charity begins at home. Here are some tips and tricks which can help you to kickstart your sustainable journey.


    Going green is rapidly becoming the norm, and the kitchen is a great place to start making environmentally friendly changes to your lifestyle. From the food you buy to the way it’s cooked and stored, you can save energy, reduce your carbon footprint and keep an eye on your budget in many different ways.

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