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coconut cutlery

  1. Top Upcycled wonders from coconut

    Place your crafting tranquility on your desk

    Ever wondered for a touch of tropical paradise in your home decor? Look no further than the humble coconut! Crafting a coconut candle holder is a creative and entertaining project if you want to give your home decor a hint of the tropical flair. It is not only aesthetically appealing but also a work of organic art. Upciclo has designed a lovely coconut candle holder that oozes comfort and coziness by upcycling this natural marvel. Candles have been cherished for centuries for their capacity to produce a warm, peaceful, and romantic atmosphere. What if, however, we informed you that a modest coconut may take this experience to totally novel levels? Knowledge yourself with the significance and value of coconut candle holders in this blog article in terms of enriching your home's design, fostering a calm environment, and forging a connection

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  2. Everyday Plastics - How do we reduce?

    Everyday Plastics - How do we reduce?

    Plastic is everywhere. Don’t be surprised when I say a whopping 91% of the plastics produced to date haven’t been recycled yet. Yes, 91%.

    Plastic has subtly become an inherent part of our day-to-day lifestyle. Sometimes we use plastics and other non-recyclable products without even knowing that they aren’t recyclable; or, let’s say that we are not yet mindful of it. People say Ignorance is bliss, but not when your ignorance is so colossal that it will impact the world in a negative way.

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